Reflection and prayer

I was the first to arise yesterday morning, and I showered and ate breakfast, before preparing for the devotion. It was quite late before everyone was ready to begin, and everyone had a chance to contribute. It was good to talk about being pure in heart and being peacemakers for God. 
Following our devotion was a great time of reflection on our time in Tonga - what we had learnt, and how God had worked in our time here. This got quite emotional at times, and it was really special to see how God had relieved anxiety, and brought peace and joy. It was also valuable to hear from James and Mafi how our time here had brought about a change in attitude, and encouragement for the elders in what they were doing to modernise and bring young people through. 
A group of young people arrived, and we prepared lunch and played card games. Some of then made Tiktok videos - just like young women from anywhere in the world!
This was good fun. They genuinely just enjoyed being with us. 
We did our final shopping in the market, and then stopped into Friend's Café, compared purchases and drank our drinks. This might be our last time at "the friendly place". Ofa atu | love to you. 
We returned home to find that the barbecue had caught fire (fortunately it wasn't serious), and the food was now cooking on next door's fire pit. We stood around and talked, and learnt some Tongan words. 
As it started to get dark, it was time for another game of volleyball. There were a few fun games before the call came for dinner. What a feast!  In addition to the barbecued meat, there was potato salad and all our remaining vegetable ingredients were served in two delicious salads. 
Gillian and Mafi followed dinner with a beautiful talk and gospel message. 
Max followed this up with a poroporoaki | a session of closing reflections, where everybody had an opportunity to speak. This was well received, and all contributed with moving or funny comments. 
We had clearly created a meaningful connection with the church youth here. Many photos and gifted reusable bags later, and we were back to the nine of us cleaning up after a great evening. 
It's hard to believe that we'll be returning to NZ tomorrow night - this has been such a simple and beautiful time! Praise God!


  1. It's hard to believe you will be back tomorrow too! What a great time you sound like you are having. It's nice to know your contributions have been well received. See you tomorrow! YAY!!


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